- Curriculum Overview
- Subjects
- Options
- Revision & Support
- Independent Learning
- Personal Development
- Exams
- Careers
Our exciting and engaging theoretical PE curriculum provides the opportunity to explore the amazing and multifaceted sporting world through the eyes of a scientist, a psychologist, a sociologist and even a historian. From the incredible human body systems and how they support us in our physical endeavours to the ethics of performance-enhancing drugs and the commercialisation of sport, theoretical PE develops both scientific and creative minds.
We begin the journey at KS3. Alongside exploring the potential in practical PE lessons, we also assess students in several non-practical related areas, such as understanding the important role of physical activity for not only physical health but mental and social health too.
At the end of KS3, students can choose 3 options related to PE/Health. GCSE PE, OCR Sport and OCR Health and Social Care. All 3 offer different understandings of the subject. At KS5, students can progress to 6th form and explore A Level PE, BTEC National Sport, and BTEC National Health & Social Care.
Where could this subject take me?
There are many careers PE, Sport, and Health & Social Care can lead to. University choices are popular among our KS5 students, and careers can branch out into several areas, including; Sports Coaching, Teaching, Sports Development Officer, Physiotherapy, Nutritionist, Sports analysis, Sports Psychologist, Sports Journalism, Nursing, Care Working, Public Services and much more!
Useful websites to refer to: (EXAM BOARDS, SUBJECT SPECIFIC etc.)
Year 7
Sports Covered
Indoor Athletics
Table Tennis
Assessment Focus
Exploring potential
Expectations and Standards – Correct attitude towards PE, Sportsmanship etc.
Physical Literacy – Coordinated, controlled movements.
Self-reflection – How can we improve as students? How do we respond to feedback?
Resilience – Not giving up in PE when we find something tough.
Assessment Outline
In core PE, students will be assessed for their ability in each practical sport.
Students will receive a score out of 10 for their ability in each sport. This will be on a continuous path, meaning a student may pick up 2-4 marks in Y7 but develop in that sport over time, achieving 8-10 in Y9. An average grade out of 10 will be reported home.
Students will also be assessed on their assessment focus. This will be how they respond to questioning in the lesson from their class teacher. This is not practical performance-based but will be edged towards attitudes and understanding of theoretical concepts within PE. This will also be a score out of 10 and reported home as an average across all 4 assessment focuses throughout the year.

Year 8
Sports Covered
Table Tennis
Assessment Focus
Health and wellbeing
Diet and nutrition – Understanding different macro and micronutrients in the importance of a balanced diet.
Physical health – Components of fitness and benefits of activity on physical health
Social health – benefits of exercise on social health including making friends and developing communication skills.
Mental health – benefits of exercise for mood. Feeling success.
Assessment Outline
In core PE, students will be assessed for their ability in each practical sport.
Students will receive a score out of 10 for their ability in each sport. This will be on a continuous path, meaning a student may pick up 2-4 marks in Y7 but develop in that sport over time, achieving 8-10 in Y9. An average grade out of 10 will be reported home.
Students will also be assessed on their assessment focus. This will be how they respond to questioning in the lesson from their class teacher. This is not practical performance-based but will be edged towards attitudes and understanding of theoretical concepts within PE. This will also be a score out of 10 and reported home as an average across all 4 assessment focuses throughout the year.

Year 9
Sports Covered
Table Tennis
Fitness testing
Assessment Focus
Leadership development
Attitudes and behaviours in PE – How can we achieve success and develop further interests?
Application of physical fitness – Fitness testing and methods of training
Commitment – Showing a willingness to take part in regular activity, representing school teams. Competition
Desire to improve – Responding to feedback and using it to improve the application in sports.
Assessment Outline
In core PE, students will be assessed for their ability in each practical sport.
Students will receive a score out of 10 for their ability in each sport. This will be on a continuous path, meaning a student may pick up 2-4 marks in Y7 but develop in that sport over time, achieving 8-10 in Y9. An average grade out of 10 will be reported home.
Students will also be assessed on their assessment focus. This will be how they respond to questioning in the lesson from their class teacher. This is not practical performance-based but will be edged towards attitudes and understanding of theoretical concepts within PE. This will also be a score out of 10 and reported home as an average across all 4 assessment focuses throughout the year.
At KS4, students will still get 3 hours of practical core PE over the 2-week timetable. Students will enjoy a variety of sports focussed on competitive gameplay and competition. Some students will be given the opportunity to develop leadership skills and employability skills such as communication, analytical skills and interpersonal skills. In year 11, we are very focused on helping students use physical activity to help deal with the stress of exams. Physical activity has many benefits, so setting up our students for lifelong participation is our main goal in KS4 PE.

Year 10
Our AQA GCSE PE course is a great option for anyone who loves sport and PE and has a keen interest in competition and the application of skills.
The course will provide students with the opportunity to study the impact that sport can have on the local community, nation and the individuals within it. In year 10, students cover a range of topics, including physical training, sociocultural influences and health and wellbeing. Students will learn about how athletes can maximise their training and develop their skills. Students learn about the range of factors that can influence an individual to compete in sports and some of the potential barriers that may need to be overcome. Students will also gain an understanding of the range of benefits that physical activity can have on physical, social, and mental wellbeing.
Studying the practical units will allow students to improve their own skills and understanding of a wide range of practical sports. This course will encourage the development of a well-rounded competitive student keen to learn new skills in any sport they participate in.
Students will get 5 extra theory lessons every 2-weeks.
The course is weighted as 40% practical exam and
60% written exams across 2 papers
Students will need to have at least 3 sports that they are competitive in, either outside of school or representing the school.
OCR Sport
OCR Sport is a good option for students who enjoy PE, have an interest in one sport, and prefer coursework focussed lessons over written exam-based lessons. It is the equivalent of a GCSE grade.
Our OCR Sport Studies program will allow students the opportunity to study the wider world of sport and physical activity. The course will provide students with the opportunity to study the impact that sport can have on the local community, nation and the individuals within it. Studying the practical units will allow students to improve their own skills and understanding of sports leadership, practical sport and outdoor activities. This course will encourage the development of a well-rounded knowledge of how sport impacts ourselves and our society.
The course will encourage students to develop knowledge, understanding, skills and values to develop and maintain their performance in physical activities/leadership. They will develop the ability to perform effectively in different physical activities as well as the ability to plan and lead sporting activities
Students will get an extra 5 lessons of Sport every 2 weeks.
The course is split into 3 units:
R187 – Outdoor and adventurous activities – This is a practical and coursework-based unit (Y10)
R185 – Performance and leadership in sports activities – This is largely practical and coursework (Y10/11)
R184 – Contemporary issues in sport – This is a written exam (Y11)
OCR Health
The health and social care curriculum provides a fluid and dynamic knowledge-rich environment to help students develop key transferable skills in the growing sector of health and social care. We explore the vast nature of health and social care and the role it plays in the health, well-being and care of individuals across all age ranges and research the science and real-life application underpinning it.
The qualification will provide learners with essential knowledge, transferable skills and tools to improve their learning in other subjects with the aim of enhancing their employability when they leave education, contributing to their personal development and future economic well-being.
RO33 – Supporting individuals through life events. This unit is assessed by a Set Assignment. In this unit, students will learn about growth and development through the life stages. Students will also learn how to understand the needs of individuals who have been affected by life events and how to recommend support to meet their needs. Topics include
Topic Area 1 Life stages
Topic Area 2 Impacts of life events
Topic Area 3 Sources of support
R035: Health promotion campaigns This unit is assessed by a Set Assignment. In this unit, students will research health promotion campaigns and learn about their benefits to society. Students will also plan and deliver their own health promotion campaign (Y10/11)
R032: Principles of care in health and social care settings. This unit is assessed by an exam. In this unit, students will learn about the key topics that are important when caring for and protecting people in health and social care. Topics include The rights of service users in health and social care settings, person-centred values, effective communication in health and social care settings and protecting service users and service providers in health and social care settings. (Y11)

Year 11
In Y11, GCSE PE students cover topics of anatomy and physiology, movement analysis and sports psychology.
In year 11, the course will provide students with the opportunity to explore how the body works through the study of anatomy and physiology. The body systems are complex and fascinating and allow students to learn exactly how we can maximise our understanding of anatomy in training.
Students will also dive into the world of sports psychology, looking into the many ways in which we learn skills, process information and utilise feedback in order to learn and progress in sports. Students will explore reasons why some athletes are desperate to gain an advantage, be it fair or unfair, and they will explore social-cultural influences which lead to cheating and gamesmanship.
Students are also expected to gather video evidence of themselves competing in sports outside of school. This will help their practical assessment and ensure marks can be as accurate as possible.

Year 12
A Level PE
In the 6th form, our students can choose to take their interest in PE, Sports and Health even further. We offer a range of qualifications which dive deeper into their subject focus. Students will not have any practical lessons on their 6th form timetable, but there is a practical element to all 3 courses we offer. There is also a Sports Leadership qualification which students can access to supplement their learning. In Sports Leadership, students will explore and practice a range of leadership skills, and they will have an opportunity to volunteer in a range of festivals and events we provide alongside the Durham Schools Partnership.
Year 12
A Level PE
Our A-level Physical Education qualification allows students to play to their strengths and gain dynamic theoretical and practical skills for further education or work. This qualification is linear. Linear means that students will sit all their exams and submit all their non-exam assessments at the end of the course.
Students will sit 2 exams at the end of Y13, worth 70% of the overall grade. 30% is based on practical performance, including coursework.
Anatomy and Physiology –Students will develop knowledge and understanding of the changes within the body systems prior to exercise, during the exercise of differing intensities and during recovery. Students will be able to interpret data and graphs relating to changes within the musculoskeletal, cardio-respiratory and neuro-muscular systems and the use of energy systems during different types of physical activity and sport, and the recovery process.
Skill acquisition – This section focuses on how skill is acquired and the impact of psychological factors on performance. Students will develop knowledge and understanding of the principles required to optimise the learning of new and the development of existing skills in a range of physical activities.
Students will be able to understand and interpret graphical representations associated with skill acquisition theories.
Sport and society – Students will develop knowledge and understanding of the interaction between, and the evolution of, sport and society. Students will be able to understand, interpret and analyse data and graphs relating to participation in physical activity and sports.
BTEC National Sport
Our BTEC Level 3 National Certificate in Sport qualification offers students an alternative to A Level PE. BTEC Sport is a blended course that mixes internally assessed and externally assessed units – Some are exam based, and some are coursework based.
The course can be accessed as a single, double, or triple option, also known as a Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Sport, a Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Diploma in Sport, or a Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma in Sport. This offers students the option to study BTEC Sport alongside other A Level subjects in 6th form.
Each tier of qualification comes with different units and areas of study. Please speak to our staff to find out more detail about the units on offer. On overview of units includes Anatomy and physiology, sports leadership, sports development, sports coaching, sports psychology, sports injury management, fitness and training, and many more.
BTEC National Health
Our BTEC Level 3 National Certificate in Health and Social Care qualification offers students an option to continue their study into 6th form. BTEC Health and Social Care is a blended course that mixes internally assessed and externally assessed units – Some are exam based, and some are coursework based.
The course can be accessed as a single or double option, also known as a Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Health and Social Care or a Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Diploma in Health and Social Care. This offers students the option to study BTEC Health and Social Care alongside other A Level subjects in 6th form.
Each tier of qualification comes with different units and areas of study. Please speak to our staff to find out more detail about the units on offer. An overview of units includes Human Lifespan development, working in health and social care, Anatomy and physiology in health and social care, Principles of safe practice, and promoting public health.
Year 13
Exercise physiology – Students will understand the adaptations to the body systems through training or lifestyle and how these changes affect the efficiency of those systems.
Biomechanical movement – Students will develop knowledge and understanding of motion and forces and their relevance to performance in physical activity and sport. Students will have a knowledge and use of biomechanical definitions, equations, formulae and units of measurement and demonstrate the ability to plot, label and interpret biomechanical graphs and diagrams.
Sport psychology – In this section, students will develop knowledge and understanding of the role of sport psychology in optimising performance in physical activity and sports. Students will be able to understand and interpret graphical representations associated with sport psychology theories.