- Curriculum Overview
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- Personal Development
- Exams
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Drama enables students to symbolise the world in ways that engage the intellect and emotions. Through drama, students can develop their emotional literacy, self-confidence, and analytical awareness by seeing the world imaginatively from many perspectives. The learning which takes place in drama is like no other learning process and should be regarded as an end in itself. It is a shared experience – a collaborative testing ground leading to infinite possible outcomes. How the learning happens is as, if not more, important than what is learned.
“All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players.” from As You Like It by William Shakespeare (1564 – 1616)

Year 7
Autumn Term
Introducing drama – improvisation, mime and characterisation
Spring Term
Drama explorations – whole-group drama
Summer Term
Playing Shakespeare – how to speak the speech

Year 8
Autumn Term
Developing drama – status, subtext and tension
Spring Term
Exploring empathy – showing how we feel
Summer Term
Using drama – from social media to slapstick

Year 9
Autumn Term
Devising drama – creating our own plays
Spring Term
Scripted drama – DNA by Dennis Kelly and The Last Resort by Chris Owens
Summer Term
Beyond the theatre – soap opera and TV drama

Year 10
Autumn Term
Welcome to GCSE – mock devising project
Spring Term
Scripted theatre – Blood Brothers by Willy Russell
Summer Term
GCSE assessment 1 – devised drama

Year 11
Autumn Term
GCSE Assessment 1 continued/ GCSE Practical exam – scripted drama
Spring Term
Exam Preparation
Summer Term
Revision and final exam